Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Character Development

Since the story I'm telling is based on fact I must do research to develop the personalities of my characters. Their lives will affect how they react and what they do. So I'm doing research into life in Salisbury during the Civil War, consumption, measles, battles, the bread riot, New York in the 1770's, the gangs of NY and many other consuming topics. I'm getting to know my characters more and more through the things they experienced.

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Life in Antebellum Charlotte: Book Talks

Karen, Janet and Ann have been visiting museums, book clubs, garden clubs and Women's groups to share information gleaned from the Journal of Sarah Frew Davidson. Their 45 minute program includes a visit from Miss Davidson herself who reads excerpts from her diary. Sarah and her modern day friends lead us through an exploration of the village of Charlotte, plantation life, entertaining, gold mining, gardening and slavery in antebellum Charlotte, NC. Contact the editors through this blog to find out about their visiting your club or group.