Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Computer Crash

It is amazing to me how dependant I have become on my computer. When it crashed last week, I was completely lost! Of course, I had no recent backups of my research, writing or photography. Without those a part of my life was missing. I felt unstable, paniced and ungrounded until I knew my data was safe.

Just to think I grew up without computers, everything was written or typed by hand. File cabinets were our storage systems, pictures were kept in albums and you never knew what to do with the negatives, and research was page after page of notes. Life can be altered tremendously in such a short time.

So I'm thinking about what other inventions changed the world so drasticly. The automobile, or course; airconditioning because it isolated us from our neighbors and the world around us; television, what a horrible and noble influence it has on us. What yet unthought of discovery or invention will be the next world changing thing?

Life in Antebellum Charlotte: Book Talks

Karen, Janet and Ann have been visiting museums, book clubs, garden clubs and Women's groups to share information gleaned from the Journal of Sarah Frew Davidson. Their 45 minute program includes a visit from Miss Davidson herself who reads excerpts from her diary. Sarah and her modern day friends lead us through an exploration of the village of Charlotte, plantation life, entertaining, gold mining, gardening and slavery in antebellum Charlotte, NC. Contact the editors through this blog to find out about their visiting your club or group.